Thursday, October 17, 2013

FFWD - Caramel Almond Tart

Me and you and you and me
No matter how they toss the dice, it has to be
The only one for me is you, and you for me
So happy together
The Turtles, So Happy Together
The lyrics above apply to the relationship between caramel and almond - so happy together.  They also describe the relationship between me and Dorie Greenspan's Caramel Almond Tart, the subject of this week's French Friday with Dorie - so happy together.


This tart is absolutely delicious, yet so simple to make.  It starts with Dorie's magical sweet tart dough that you press into the pan rather than rolling it out, and which doesn't shrink.  In short, it's a dream! 

Next, you make a caramel cream.  I was little surprised when I made this, as I was expecting caramel - but of course, once you add a large amount of cream to a small amount of caramel, you get caramel cream, which is quite fluid, rather than a viscous caramel.

You then make a caramel custard using the caramel cream, then line the tart shell with toasted almonds, pour on the cream, and bake.  Et voila - a wonderful dessert emerges:


Could you resist this?  I sure couldn't - so happy together.  Sigh ...

To see what the other Doristas thought of this tart, visit the LYL section of the website.