Friday, August 2, 2013

FFwD - Tzatziki

This is a fabulous French Friday with Dorie.  It's not because of the weather in Melbourne today - after the most glorious week of warm weather we've had in ages, it turned today, and it is rainy and cold and windy.  No, it's because I have been on leave this week, spending time with my family who are visiting from Queensland.  It has been a wonderful week and I am sad that it has drawn to a close so quickly.

For FFwD this week, we had to make Tzatziki.  I was not excited about this, as I have only tasted commercially made tzatziki  that is sour and horrible.

However, this tzatziki was a revelation - it was creamy and smooth and very tasty with crackers.  I have a whole new perspective on tzatziki.  I substituted the dill for chives and left out the mint - I really don't think it mattered.

To see what the other Doristas/Doristos thought of this dish, visit the LYL section of the FFwD website.