Monday, October 3, 2011

TWD - Apple nut muffin cake

I love fruit in baked goods - baking fruit brings out the rich sugars in the fruit and caramelises them to sweet perfection, and the contrast in textures that fruit affords to a cake adds interest.

This week for Tuesdays with Dorie, Katrina of Baking and Boys chose a Dorie recipe featuring that most versatile of fruit - the apple.  Her choice was the Apple Nut Muffin Cake, which Dorie invented when she was having guests over and didn't have time to prep her muffin tin, so made the muffins into a cake instead.

Apple Nut Muffin Cake is packed with apple chunks, walnuts and spices:

It is delicious - moist, soft and not overly sweet.  It is perfect for your lunchbox or as an afternoon snack with a cup of joe.

Thanks to Katrina for histing us this week - she will have the recipe. You cal check out the other TWD members interpretation of this cake at the LYL section of the TWD website.