Thursday, November 22, 2012

FFwD - Herbed Olives

This week's French Friday with Dorie recipe is Herbed Olives.  Just like it says on the tin, this recipe involves macerating olives in herbed oil that you make yourself.  Flavours include coriander, fennel, rosemary, thyme, garlic, chilli, pepper, salt and bay.  I didn't have fresh seeds, so I used the crushed variety instead.  I used a mixture of black and kalamata olives that I had in my fridge.

If you can see the olives in my photo, you are doing better than me.

I have no idea what these olives taste like, as they are meant to macerate for at least 8 days before being eaten.  I only just made mine, so I won't know for a while yet.  However, if the smell coming from the pan in which I made the oil is anything to go by, these will taste fabulous!

To see some more herbed olives, visit the LYL section of the FFwD website.